Showing posts with label CiteULike. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CiteULike. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

@toread and Cool: Tagging for Time, Task and Emotion / Margaret E. I. Kipp

March 25 2007

Analyzed the tags at social bookmarking sites Connotea, and
  • Many of the tags were descriptive and useful for other users.
  • 16% (3049 tags) were time/task (i.e toread, toblog) tags. CiteULike has a feature for marking an item for later retrieval. Users appear to still tag things as "todo" or "toread."
  • Additional tags were affective (i.e. cool, boring). Appeared to be review-like rather than marking for future use.
  • some appeared to be for a specific group (i.e. course numbers)

Application for L&ET:

  • What implications are there if we were to allow tagging within LEO? Do we delete this kind of use, or do we allow it to flourish?
Link for more info: